Monday 13 September 2010

Apologies, corrections and clarifications

Dear blog readers, our obsession with weather and ale has meant that we neglected to inform you of a significant moment in our cycle challenge: we have cycled 900 miles.
We'll drink to that!
It may be a late start tomorrow when we begin our final push for John O'Groats.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on the 900!
    We are drinking to you at the moment !
    We had to check in to a hotel to make sure we are able to get you latest blog !
    It wont matter how late you leave tomorrow you will still get there,if you do struggle, there is always whiskey and Kendall mint cake( might be an interesting combination)
    Fantastic ride so far, keep it up for the last push.
    PLU h and j xx
