Thursday 30 September 2010

Money money money

I counted the money today (so so happy!!!) and the total...once all pledges are collected will be around £3,300!

So we reached our target of £2,000 and then went well beyond it. Thank you so much to everyone who contributed to the MS Society as sponsorship for our ride and thank you friends, family and colleagues for all of your support.

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Location:Bank of Ferndale

Saturday 25 September 2010

You tube link

Gus and Mark have now posted two short movies on You Tube. Each film is approximately 8 minutes long. They document the LEJOG cycle ride. Please be aware, they do contain some gritty hard hitting interviews which expose the trauma of cycling 975 miles for charity and visiting the pub less than three times a day.
So get the popcorn and ice creams assembled and follow these links.

- Video 1 of 2

- Video 2 of 2

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Thursday 23 September 2010

Not long to go now...

The video clips and photos are undergoing a harsh editing process. The resulting movie will appear on You Tube soon, and the link will be given here.
The picture below was taken in the very seductive valley running from Helmsdale to the north coast. The rainbow signalled the onset of an extremely painful hailstorm.

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Thursday 16 September 2010

Back from the Frozen North

It seems important that we have some closure on this story...

Mark and Gus are not currently frozen to the spot in John O Groats, but shortly after shaking hands at the end of our last 75 miles, we were hit by an almighty rain and hail shower and so the blog was rather curtailed!
Diving into the car once we had the tandem strapped to the roof were the priorities. Gus's Step Brother and Step Mother had driven up to help get us back to Inverness and after a brief stop to refuel and have a celebratory drink, we were driven back to the car hire place in Inverness where we picked up a white van. We left Inverness at 6pm and once Mark was deposited in Witney, Gus drove back to arrive in Swindon at 4:45.

Both of us are back at work today (Thursday).

What's next...?

Mark is compiling a series of clips incorporating film and photographs from the ride that he will put on YouTube and we will put a link on the Blog.

Gus will start counting money (as his Scottish ancestry would demand). We have reached our target amount of £2000 in online donations but a number of people have chosen to give money to the MS Society by using the sponsorship forms. Not sure how much there is yet but we appear to have raised more than £500 or more that will be added to the online donations.

Lands End

John O Groats
One more blog entry is planned so please come back and revisit over the next few days.

Tuesday 14 September 2010

John O Groats!!!

Arrived in rain and hail at John O Groats. 975 miles done.

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Almost there.

Arrived in Thurso after 53 miles. First 15 we had a headwind, then a rainstorm that seemed intent on forcing us off the road. After that we picked up a tailwind and have been burling along down the Glen and turning East on the north coast. Reached Thurso having coffee and cake to replenish for the last push.

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Monday 13 September 2010

Apologies, corrections and clarifications

Dear blog readers, our obsession with weather and ale has meant that we neglected to inform you of a significant moment in our cycle challenge: we have cycled 900 miles.
We'll drink to that!
It may be a late start tomorrow when we begin our final push for John O'Groats.

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Not far to go now...

Mmmmmm.... Gus has supped two pints of 80/- and Mark has had two pints of Spitfire. Apparently the correct term for the weather is dreich. We are trapped in the Belgrade Hotel by a black black sky and grape-sized raindrops. Knowing our luck we will emerge into bright sunlight.

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It's wet oop north.

Helmsdale. Just arrived at the Hostel which is closed until 4:30 so we will go and find a hostelry to get out of the pouring rain. 70 miles done. 75 miles tomorrow and the winds look interesting!!!

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Location:Helmsdale,United Kingdom

Monsters of the North

Early start to get breakfast at Morrisons. Have now ridden over two bridges over the Moray Firth and then the Cromarty Firth to arrive in Tain for coffee. Saw these monsters on the way.

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Location:Erchless Castle,United Kingdom

Sunday 12 September 2010

The key

After our easy day of 37 miles before 11:30, visiting family for Gus and theatre for Mark, the conundrum of the YH bike shed and it's unusual keyring presented a bit of a challenge for the Professor's addled brain...should he crow bar the door or use the key ring as a battering ram.

Later on, the Prof commented that in the 4 days he'd been in Scotland he hadn't had a fight yet. It seems to me that the old chap has some rather negative stereotypes of us Jocks - The next couple of days could be interesting.........

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An afternoon off...

Not sure if a break from the cycling is a good thing or not at this stage. But by spending the afternoon doing different things Gus and Mark do at least have new and different topics of conversation.
The picture below is for BJ primarily (will also be of interest to Alison and others). This is the monument in Inverness to those citizens who gave their lives in the Great War.

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Rest day

After 37 miles of pleasant riding (rolling along the banks of Loch Ness) we reached Inverness, where Gus took the train to visit his mother, and Mark visited the theatre. The journey incorporated a convincing thesis from Gus pointing out how the depth of Loch Ness resulted in a lingering wake from passing water craft, illustrating his theory with a boat passing towards the west. Mark was unable to see the boat Gus referred to, and remarked that the wake had an eerie appearance. Infact he had his own theory as to the cause of this monstrous wave, but kept it to himself...

Pleisosaurus gliding just below the surface of Loch Ness

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A typical view of Scotland

I had to fight my way through American and Japanese tourists to get this one! A view of Urquhart Castle by Loch Ness

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Location:Inverness,United Kingdom

Morag's Hostel reappraised

Change the 'amazing' of the previous post to 'appalling'. The smell of whisky from the floors this morning gave evidence to the hostel bar occupants partying until 2am ruining sleep for many of us. The Hostel seems to be run for the needs of the hard drinking owner Kenny, and ignores the needs of his residents.

Big thumbs down to Morag's avoided!

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Location:United Kingdom

Saturday 11 September 2010

Morag's Lodge

Arrived just before 5 at this amazing independent hostel in the Highlands. Massive homemade burger for dinner with tons of salad and rice. Local bus driver in a kilt. Looking forwards to porridge for breakfast then an easier day looking for Nessie on the way to Inverness.

We are in a co-Ed dorm with a young Aussie girl and a young German chap...Mark and I are 98 (combined ages) so perhaps we should be in a B&B? SAGA Tandems'r'Us. We've been going up to coach parties and telling them "we're 98 you know!" - bemused glances follow.

Commando memorial at Spean Bridge...the start of the Great Glen. Hope to post a few photos of Nessie tomorrow.

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Location:Church Rd,Fort Augustus,United Kingdom

A little context...

Fifteen year old Sam Farmer has cycled LEJOG on a unicycle in 12.5 days. Well done Sam!

Of course, Gus and Mark only have one wheel each, and they plan to complete the journey in twelve days. Keep at it lads!

Today the total miles completed stands at 793 miles. With 3 days to go and another 200 miles the challenge will be over.

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Location:Fort Augustus

Nearly there

Just 11 more miles to go. Tired but comfortable. Achieving 16 mph average speed.

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Location:Invergarry,United Kingdom


For those sceptics among our followers, the picture posted below is provided as proof that we really are in Scotland and not a secret location in Swindon.

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Location:Fort William,United Kingdom

You tak the high road and I'll tak the high road!

Have finally warmed up, 17 miles further on from our freezing crossing of Rannoch Moor and descent of Glen Coe. Raced a pleasure cruiser up Loch Linhe and won by miles..probably cos there was more steam coming off us.

Scones and jam here in Fort William before the final 35 miles to Fort Augustus at the South end of Loch Ness. There had better be a drying room at the Hostel!

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Location:Fort William,United Kingdom

Another cool descent

We have just cycled through the mother of all winds, which drove the coldest rain into our faces. Now cold and wet we are recuperating in the Glencoe Visitor Centre with a bacon roll and Scotch Broth.
We saw a majestic Stag on the moor this morning and have completed more than 750 miles now.

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Delayed post

No phone signal in Crianlarich last night. Good climb in the dry this morning.

Pic for Jules Cook

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Up and over

Another great day. Superb support from David and Rachel (a big flask, buns, bananas, great motivational talks, a free lunch and chocolate). The long climb to the top of 'Rest and be thankful' was achieved in less time than estimated (round of applause!).

The descent was cruel and cool. The cruel feature being the headwind that reduced the speed. Mark claims that this is his fave day so far. The Venison burger was Gus's fave lunch so far.

Most ironic event of the day. We almost collided with a bus in Irvine High Street. The point of impact would have been on the poster, on the side of the bus. The poster was an advert for the MS Society, our chosen charity.

Final note: respect to Graham Cameron. All round sound geezer and generous benefactor. The world is a better place with him in it.
Pic: Rachel parking up on the ferry

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Friday 10 September 2010

Crossing the Clyde

We crossed the Clyde on the Gourock - Dunoon ferry and we are now enjoying lunch with David & Rachel (Alison's cousins). Venison burgers and milk as fuel for the climb ("Rest and be thankful") and the remaining 60 miles to Crianlarich. Mark and David on the ferry are pictured below.

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Location:Benmore, Loch Eck

Rain, Scotland, Rain

On the ferry crossing from Gourock to Dunoon. 38 wet and then windy miles done this morning. Didn't stop for ice creams in Largs but the locals were in t-shirts so 15 degrees is obviously balmy here.

Met with some good friends from the past, both Mark's and mine. A few more miles to lunch.
NB tried to catch the blue sky but missed it!

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Location:Dunoon,United Kingdom

Thursday 9 September 2010

More pics of D&G

This picture would make a nice enlargement

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Location:Dumfries & Galloway

Far from the madding crowd

We made it to Kilmarnock. A testing journey, particularly for Mark's weary legs. Gus has been a stalwart motivator, leading by example and spotting when Mark needs some cake. The scenery today has been every bit as picturesque as the Lake District.

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The 3rd Century BC (by cycle)

Arrived at Gus's brother's in Kilmarnock. A hard day of 105.5 miles up the A76 with the last 35 miles after Sanquhar being very up and down...including our blood sugar levels. Only cake will do and our banana cake and lemon drizzle cake supplies are now sadly depleted. Heavy shower for 15 minutes after lunch but otherwise a brisk side wind and sunshine.

The rain will surely hit tomorrow as Mark is planning for ice cream in Nardini's in Largs.

Dumfries and Galloway is beautiful.

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Location:Kilmarnock,United Kingdom

Another day, another country

Gus visibly relaxed as we crossed the border, and appeared to be a bit emotional at the prospect of 6 days among his own people.
Derek and Dawn (and their lovely children Noah and Connie) provided a great overnight stop. And Derek rode with us this morning for the first 10 miles to bicycle repair shop. After replacing the block and chain we departed Carlisle at 11am. Currently at lunch which will allow us to refuel for the final 65 miles.

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Location:Dumfries,United Kingdom

Highs and lows

The best day yet in many respects. Weather sunny but not too hot. Fabulous ride during the morning, and sublime countryside in the afternoon. The Kirkstone Pass was a challenge and the achievement of this steep climb was a great boost. Particularly as it is the half way point of LEJOG. Gus has been a superb motivator, guide and raconteur. And the ride now feels eminently 'do-able'. Unfortunately. Damage to one of the gears will interrupt and delay the long ride to Kilmarnock. But spirits remain positive. Picture: The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the lea.... (OK we know it is a flock of sheep)

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Location:Penrith,United Kingdom

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Over halfway and Kirkstone Pass

89 miles today and just over halfway in total. Rode over the Kirkstone Pass from Troutbeck and discovered two pints left behind the bar by Mark's friends and amateur stalkers Heather and Janice...didn't take long to finish those.

The descent to Ullswater was more of a plummet and carving the turns was made all the more interesting by Mark filming the ride from the rear of the Tandem.

Arrived at Dawn and Derek's house (Gus's relatives) rather late as we made some basic navigation errors (should really avoid hills) and broke some gear teeth on the freewheel in our favourite cruising gear. Must find a bike shop in Carlisle tomorrow before crossing the border to Scotland and almost certain rain!

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Location:Penrith,United Kingdom

Good Honest Northern Soup

When they say mushroom soup up here in Cumbria they mean it!
After a rolling 45 miles from Wharles near Preston, we have stopped for lunch with lots of other older people in an Arts Centre (Mark's choice).
Looking forward to the climb over the pass and the plummet to the bottom (yes Mrs Bowers, we will use the brakes...perhaps;-))

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Location:Greengate,Kendal,United Kingdom

Day 5 - sun & blue skies

A coffee stop at Carnforth. Gus and Mark have now completed 445 miles. They have the sun on their backs. The decision has been made to take on Kirkstone Pass, thank are due to Roger for the informed advice. Barbara provided a gorgeous spread of chicken and sausage pie (tasty and lots of!). 8 hours of solid sleep in comfy beds was the perfect prep for today. And the fresh clean clothing was beyond the call of duty but much appreciated.
The next blog will be posted after Gus and Mark have sunk a pint at the Kirkstone Inn.

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Location:Carnforth, Lancashire

Tuesday 7 September 2010

The 2nd Century

We have arrived at Gus's Aunt and Uncle's house in Wharles nr Preston. Large and perfect dinner with steamed pudding and custard for afters.

Completed our second century ride in two days with 103.6 miles under our belts. We are both feeling much fitter and into our stride now. The weather was dry until the last hour trying to find our way through Preston when we were in a heavy downpour.

We're planning a jaunt over the Kirkstone Pass to Penrith tomorrow... it'll definitely rain then.

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Location:Preston,United Kingdom

69.5 miles done. Stopped for lunch in Billinge.

Swooped out of Shropshire, into Cheshire. Great tea and cake in Tarporley at the Old Fire Station. Met a lovely little girl, Sophie with the Silvery Sparkly Top (and her mum) who gave us a donation for the MS Society. The coffee shop lady also gave us money as did a young man who had popped in. Wonderful people and their kindness is a great inspiration.

Through Runcorn and over the bridge...we are now north of the Mersey having sped through Widnes and St Helens.

Looking forward to getting even further North.
Allez Allez

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Location:Forge St,,United Kingdom

More for Marco

After a hard day on the bike, Mark decided on a couple of hours cool down in the gym last night!

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Location:London Rd,Shrewsbury,United Kingdom

Monday 6 September 2010

The Taming of the Shrew

Greetings bloggers, what a day! The cyclists are continuing to make good progress. There are some concerns, for example the bicycle maintenance has caused a rift.

Gus has used Mark's towel to clean the bike chain, Mark has greased the hubs using Gus's Udderly Smooth bottom cream.

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Location:London Rd,Shrewsbury,United Kingdom

Two countries, four counties

104.6 miles done at an average speed of 16.4 mph. Stayed dry but very windy. Tailwind later in the day saw us hammering into Shrewsbury and then struggling into massive headwind to get to the hotel. 2 pints behind the bar c/o Heather and Janice (and a packed lunch for tomorrow).

England to Wales to England to Wales to England and the four counties of Gloucestershire, Monmouthshire, Hereforshire and Shropshire. Mark tells me we also went through Salop but I'm afraid I didn't notice!

Mr B has the bum of a baboon (self reported I must add). I have been using lashings of Udderly Smooth Chamois Cream (buttocks for the use of) and can report no problems in Oz (Down Under). Mark promise a picture later...don't hold your collective breaths.

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Location:London Rd,Shrewsbury,United Kingdom

Day 3 - lunchtime

Lunch stop - Hereford, 55 miles to our destination (Shrewsbury). Feeling fresh, great views.

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Location:Hereford,United Kingdom

Intrepid duo invade Wales

Our first real taste of sunshine riding over the old Severn Bridge and up the Wye Valley to Monmouth...what glorious countryside. Mark giving commentary on Cistercian history on the way.
Brief coffee and cake stop before pushing on to Hereford then Shrewsbury.

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Day 3 - crest of a wave

A super breakfast with H&J, who are now considering the purchase of a tandem. As are Ben & Em, who are fresh from Majorca.
Gus and Mark offered to hand over ownership with immediate effect, no takers unfortunately. Picture below: Ben & Em contemplating the tandem.

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Location:Bristol,United Kingdom

Sunday 5 September 2010

Review of the 1st 2.5days

These rough uneven ways draw out our miles. I think William Shakespeare said that.

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Location:Bristol,United Kingdom

Another day, another SpagBol

Well, we had a great reception on the Clifton Suspension Bridge. Thank you to Alison, Ben, Emily, Heather, Janice, Martyn & Mary. We felt like Cav & Brad winning the Madison. Some wag suggested we looked like Shanaze Reade & Victoria Pendleton. Just off for some sugary tea.

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Location:N Rd,Bristol,United Kingdom

Another couple of counties crossed

Today's not been too bad. Mark got the bonk (hypoglycaemia) around 10 miles from Bristol but otherwise went very well. Sealkinz (waterproof) socks are brill! May need them on Tuesday by the look of the forecast.

We have now done three counties and 208 miles in total - 85 miles in just under 6 hours... not including coffee (posh) in Wellington and lunch in Bridgewater (Morrisons)...both around the same price!

Now having our second Spag Bol in 2 days...excellent.

Thought for the day... If you see signs advertising the Tour of Britain coming this way then go the other way...Devon hills are only for the professional cyclist.

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Location:Bristol,United Kingdom

Leaving Exeter

After a massive nosh and some great conversation we woke up to torrential rain. Forgot to cover the saddles last night.

Big thanks to Charlie and Lee for all their hospitality and thanks to Lou for organising this.

Off into the rain now (it seems to have stopped now). Bristol tonight...Mendips in between.

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Location:Exeter,United Kingdom

Saturday 4 September 2010

Mark's recovery method

Beer and a foam roller and he is anyone's (does anyone want him?)

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Location:Redruth,United Kingdom

The end of the first big day(or goodbye to Cornwall!)

We made it! But the enormity of our decision to ride to John O'Groats has now dawned on us. We took the A30 most of the way, up & down, up & down, big up & short down. We got to Charlie and Lee's at 6pm. Great hosts, lemon sponge, sugary tea and LOTS of beer. Thanks to Louise for the contacts.

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Location:The Square,Exeter,United Kingdom

Coffee in Bodmin

A good start to day one (Gus is on the front shielding Mark from the headwind). Only 65 more miles today.

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Location:Bodmin,United Kingdom

First full day

Restless night, full English. Now leaving for Exeter. Side/tailwind and showers forecast.
Allez allez!!

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Location:Redruth,United Kingdom

Friday 3 September 2010


We made it and still feel fresh. 29.5 miles in 1hr 50mins. Bring it on! (famous last words)

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Location:Redruth,United Kingdom

We're off!!!

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Location:Penzance,United Kingdom

Off to the start

Tandem on the car and on our way to Lands End...pasties here we come!

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Location:Bristol,United Kingdom

Thursday 2 September 2010

The 11th hour

We are now packed and ready to leave for St Ives in the morning. Sincere thanks to everyone for the donations and accommodation. For those of you putting us up, you will see from the photo that we won't take up much space with our luggage. Next stop Lands End!

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Monday 16 August 2010

Training update

I need to preface this post with an announcement: I was misinformed.
I am in Holland preparing for the LEJOG cycle ride. I was told today that cycling at a high altitude would enhance my natural production of red blood cells. I had been under the misapprehension that LOW altitude had this effect. Bugger! So here I am cycling below sea level while Gus is half way up an Alp....

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Location:Delft, Holland

Tuesday 3 August 2010

Training update

Decided to do some miles on my own today. Went out on the tandem last night with Gus and we did not stop at a pub. This was my only incentive for the ride! I need to raise this issue at our next team meeting.

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Tuesday 15 June 2010

The odd couple - ready to roll!

This intrepid duo will be setting off on LEJOG (Land's End to John O'Groats) in late Summer. Currently they are enjoying some short rides to the pub and back in order to get used to riding in tandem.

Please contact Gus and Mark if you would like to cycle with them on any of the stages. Alternatively follow this blog, regular updates will appear once the trip gets underway.

They aim to ride up to 120 miles a day and need some motivation to do this. You can provide some motivation by donating to the MS Society at our fundraising page:

Thursday 10 June 2010

Sponsorship Link

Please follow this link to our fundraising page at the web pages of the MS Society

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